Eyes Of The Dragon

Welcome to my Eyes Of The Dragon tutorials!

This content has been moved and the page will no longer be maintained. Please visit https://cynthiamcmahon.ca/blog/eyes-of-the-dragon.

Here I am rebooting my XNA tutorial series Eyes Of The Dragon using MonoGame. Eyes of the Dragon is a 2D top down fantasy role playing game.

I've created a GitHub repository for the latest version of the Eyes Of The Dragon project. You can find it at the following URL: https://github.com/Synammon/Eyes-Of-The-Dragon.


Turotial 01

Getting Started - This tutorial covers setting up the projects and adding in some basic components like the state manager and input manager.

Turotial 02

Tile Engine - This tutorial covers creating the tile engine and rendering a map.

Turotial 03

Game State - This tutorial covers adding in game states.

Turotial 04

Game Settings - This tutorial covers loading and saving game settings and handling different screen resolutions.

Turotial 05

Sprites and Characters - This tutorial covers adding a sprite for the player to control and some character classes.

Turotial 06

Editor - This tutorial starts building the game editor.

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