
Shadow Monsters

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Shadow Monsters

Shadow Monsters is a Pokemon inspired game. It features collecting shadow monsters and battling them against non-player characters.

I've created a Git repository for the latest version of the Shadow Monsters project. You can find it at the following URL:

Tutorial 01

Tile Engine - This tutorial covers the tile engine that will be used in the game.

Tutorial 02

Player Sprite - This tutorial covers adding a sprite for the player to control and scrolling the map.

Tutorial 03

Game State - This tutorial covers adding in a game state manager that will be important as the game evolves.

Tutorial 04

Shadow Monsters - This tutorial adds in shadow monsters for the player to control.

Tutorial 05

Non-PLayer Characters - This tutorial covers adding in non-player characters.

Tutorial 06

Conversation - This tutorial covers adding in conversation with characters.

Tutorial 07

Player Component - This tutorial covers adding in a component for the player.

Tutorial 08

Battling - This tutorial covers adding in battles between shadow monsters.

Tutorial 09

Battling part two - This tutorial extends battling to include multiple shadow monsters.

Tutorial 10

Ìtems - This tutorial covers adding in basic items.

Tutorial 11

Saving - This tutorial covers saving the current game in progress.

Tutorial 12

Loading - This tutorail covers loaeding the game.

Tutorial 13

Editor - Part One - This tutorial begins adding in the game editor.

Tutorial 14

Editor - Part Two - The tutotial continues on with the game editor.

Tutorial 15

Editor - Part Three - The tutotial continues on with the game editor and covers adding characters and merchants.

Tutorials 16

Editor - Part Four - The tutorial continues on with the game game editor. It covers painting collisions, creating portals and adding shadow monsters to the map.

Tutorials 17

World - The tutorial introduces the concept of world in both the game and the editor.

Tutorials 18

Multiple Resolutions - The tutorial starts on how to support multiple resolutions in the game.

Tutorials 19

Multiple Resolutions - Part Two - The tutorial continues on how to support multiple resolutions in the game.

Tutorials 20

Improvements and Sound - The tutorial makes some improvements to the game and adds sound.

Tutorials 21

Shadow Monster Editor - The tutorial creates an editor for shadow monsters and encrypts the data.

Tutorials 22

Character Generator - The tutorial creates an new game state for creating a character.

Tutorials 23

More States - The tutorial creates three new game states including a loading state that is simply threaded.

Tutorials 24

Random Encounters - The tutorial covers adding random encounters to the map in the game and the editor.

Tutorials 25

Capturing Shadow Monsters - The tutorial covers capturing shadow monsters.


  1. Just to let you know, whilst you mention a link to the sprite sheets you used in Tutorial 02 the link isn't actually present in the document.

    1. The link is there just above the Game1 class.

    2. Ah, so sorry, I'm apparently completely blind.

  2. Replies
    1. Something happened to my markup. I've fixed the problem. Thank you for pointing it out.

  3. I like the changes to the website. But maybe make the links a bit lighter shade of blue? Not enough contrast to the dark background, makes it more straining to read.

    1. Thanks! I lightened up the links. They should cause less eye strain now.

  4. Nice stuff. I just started to get into programming. I downloaded your PDF's and will start reviewing them. Thanks.
