
Monday, November 16, 2020

What's Next?

I took the weekend to see where I stood in my tutorials and projects. I feel Shadow Monsters is mostly done and will be keeping it on the back burner unless I get requests for a specific topic. That leaves my major series Eyes of the Dragon and Dragon's Claw. I have done some work on the next Eyes of the Dragon series and should publish it next week some time. Dragon's Claw takes more time but I have the full code base for what I plan to achieve with it already done. It is the process of moving it between projects and then writing the tutorial.

For my projects they are going well. Silver Prophet is mostly about content and is slow going. I don't know if I can reach my end goal on my own because the maps will be well over one million tiles and painting that by hand will be extremely time consuming. Shadow Monsters is similar. It needs content and effects.

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