
Friday, October 16, 2020

Eyes of the Dragon Tutorial 6 Status and More

 I have started work on tutorial 6 in the Eyes of the Dragon tutorial series. This tutorial is about creating the editor for building worlds. It is unfortunately a Windows project instead of a cross platform solution because I use Win Forms. It is much easier to use the existing controls than trying to recreate them in MonoGame.

I've also been working on my app for Google Play and eventually the App Store. It is a mood tracker for people with bipolar disorder but more than that. It will also be a social media platform where they can connect with others with bipolar disorder.

I didn't work on my games much the past few days. I did do some work on Silver Prophet on my editor and in the editor. As I've said before, programming games is easy. Making the associated content that goes with them is what is hard. I'm looking at making a map that is 1000 tiles by 1000 tiles. That is hand painting a million tiles but more because my map has about five layers so that is up to five million tiles. That does not include all of the interior locations and dungeons. So, lots of work that is probably going to take years to complete. Even if I cut it in half I'm still looking at a million tiles.

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