
Monday, September 21, 2020

Battery Recharge

I'm going to be taking a break from tutorials. I can do the code but I'm having problems with the writing. It just hasn't been flowing. I will still be working on my game and a lot of it will be going into the Shadow Monsters tutorial series eventually. I will also be porting my XNA game to MonoGame now that I've repaired a huge problem I was having with Visual Studio and found a way to move my content.

It would be really helpful is you left comments on what you'd like to see tutorials on. I'm only going off what I've implemented so far but you might have an idea for a cool feature you would like to see implemented.


  1. Hello Amethyst! The same day I found a screenshot of your game on Twitter someone points me to these amazing tutorials. Thank you so much for making them. I’m really going to take the time to dig deep inside them. Keep up the good work, please. I’ll certainly point people to your page from now on. There are many books on XNA, but most of them just cover the basics. Having a full game with detailed explanations like yours is amazing!

  2. Hi Rodrigo. I'm happy to hear that you find the tutorials valuable. I will be writing more tutorials. Thanks.
