
Wednesday, September 30, 2020


I spent the day porting Shadow Monsters  to Android. The issue I had was dealing  with input. Touch is very different than keyboad, mouse and game pad input. In most cases I had to implement an event based model to handle taps. I now have most of the game working. The items remaining are shops, selecting items and selecting shadow monsters. I'm going to hold off on those because I'm going to redesign how I handle lists. I will design them with touch input in mind.

I came across an issue I need to resolve. I load the world using the content manager. Trying to load it a second time,  if the player exits and goes back in, does not reload the world. The world is in the exact same state. The same is true for other content. I only just discovered this and haven't worked out how  I'm going to workaround it.

Over  the  next few days I will be devoting some time to my next tutorial. I haven't decided which series I will be working on. Probably Eyes of the Dragon but I might do another Shadow Monsters.

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