
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Game Programming

Going to switch gears here and just talk a bit. I started game programming 41 years ago at the age of ten. My brother brought home a computer from school that plugged int the TV. It was a TSR-80. I was instantly hooked. It had a few games and I wanted to make more. If I recall correctly my first game was a simple text based adventure game. You would move room to room and fight creatures. It was pretty good for a ten year old.

From then on i have always tinkered with game programming. I wrote a module for Legend of the Red Dragon and published a game similar to it called Guild of Thieves. Sadly the rise of the internet made BBSes less relevant and they disappeared. Still it was a good experience.

I worked on a few personal projects for a while but didn't release anything. Around that time C# and .NET came out. I loved C#. There wasn't really good game development platforms until XNA. It placed game development in hobbyists' hands. I was hooked. I developed several games for game programming challenges at Game Institute.

Out of XNA came MonoGame which I also love. I've been tinkering with RPGs mostly for the last few years including a Pokemon inspired brew. It is what Shadow Monsters is based on. Game play is pretty much done it is now content that I'm working on along with editors.

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